There will be an all-Sibelius concert at the Finnish Ambassador’s Residence in London on Wednesday 10th June 2015 at 6.30 pm, given by Fenella Humphreys, violin, Anton Kukkonen, cello, and Sam Armstrong, piano.
The theme of the concert is ‘Sibelius and Family’, and the event takes place on the composer’s 123rd wedding anniversary.

The programme will include works for violin and piano: the Four Pieces, Op. 78 (including the famous F major Romance), E major Sonatina and Four Pieces, Op. 115. Cello pieces will include Malinconia, and all three performers will come together to end the concert with La pompeuse Marche d’Asis. Expect also some intriguing rarities and several UK premières.
The concert is arranged by Sibelius One with the generous support and assistance of the Finnish Embassy in London.
Drinks and canapés will be served.
Tickets cost £12 (concessions and Sibelius One members: £8) and can be ordered from gm@sibeliusone.com
Tickets will be personalized so please include the names and postal address of all those who will attend.
Payment can be made to Sibelius One either
– by internet banking (sort code 54-10-27, account number 13655558)
– by cheque payable to Sibelius One (send to: 6 Chichester Drive West, Saltdean, Brighton BN2 8SH)
As payment reference please use your name and the word ‘tickets’.
The address of the Finnish Ambassador’s Residence is 14 Kensington Palace Gardens, London W8 4QP