New CD release from Sibelius One:
Hedvig Paulig, soprano
(winner of the 2011 International Sibelius Singing Competition)
Folke Gräsbeck, piano
‘The soprano Hedvig Paulig… is blessed with all that a singer desires: a voice full of beauty, precise intuition, a technique that seemingly easily takes her to clear high tones without as much as a blink as well as to the low tones, in which her voice turns full and warm. Paulig is also a real actress who expresses emotions in her songs from humor to mystic and grief. Her whole performance is full of charm…’ (Noam Ben Zeev for Haaretz Newspaper, May 2015)
‘The advocacy of Folke Gräsbeck [in Sibelius’s solo piano music] outstrips that of almost all earlier exponents.’ (Richard Whitehouse, International Record Review, May 2011)
A selection of 20 songs by Sibelius, including:
Den första kyssen [The First Kiss], Op. 37 No. 1
Var det en dröm? [Was it a Dream?], Op. 37 No. 4
Flickan kom ifrån sin älsklings möte [The Tryst], Op. 37 No. 5
Illalle [To Evening], Op. 17 No. 6
Demanten på marssnön [The Diamond on the March Snow], Op. 36 No. 6
Click here for full track list (pdf)
Sleeve note by Ron Weidberg in English, Finnish and Swedish
Song texts in original language and English translation
First release – recorded 2016
Catalogue number: SCD 001
Available direct from Sibelius One
Prices (all including post & packing):
Sibelius One members: UK £10 / Europe £12 / Rest of world £13
Non-members: UK £12 / Europe £14 / Rest of world £15
To order:
Write to us enclosing a UK sterling cheque, payable to Sibelius One,
for the appropriate amount:
6 Chichester Drive West, Saltdean, Brighton, Sussex BN2 8SH, England
Order by e mail (click here to send e-mail) and send payment via internet transfer to:
Bank: NatWest
Account name: Sibelius One
Reference: ‘[your name] CD order’
Sort code 54-10-27
Account number 13655558
For payments from outside the UK: Swift code NWBKGB2L
IBAN: GB88NWBK54102713655558