Revised Version, 6 September 2018
1. Name
The name of the society shall be Sibelius One, hereafter referred to as ‘the society’.
2. Aims and Objectives
The objects of the society shall be: to advance, improve, develop and maintain public education in and appreciation of the life and work of Jean Sibelius by any means the Committee sees fit, including online activities, a magazine and the presentation of public concerts and recitals.
3. Membership
3.1 Any person wishing to join the society shall submit to the committee a written application including his/her name, address, phone and e-mail contact details. The committee may accept or reject a membership application at its discretion. Any person may apply who is interested in furthering the objects of the society, and who has paid the annual subscription at the appropriate rate or rates as shall be determined by the committee, all subscriptions being payable in advance.
3.2 Full members shall pay an annual subscription to join the society; as decided by the society committee. The committee may negotiate fees from case to case with companies who may wish to become corporate members.
3.3 In exceptional cases (e.g. honorary members or financial hardship) the committee may at its discretion waive payment of the subscription.
3.4 The committee may enter into mutually beneficial partnership with other societies and organizations. Members of such affiliated organizations (affiliate members of the society) are exempt from paying subscriptions but do not have voting rights.
3.5 The committee shall have the right to terminate the membership of any individual who by his/her actions or statements brings the society into disrepute or acts against the interests of the society. If a member chooses to terminate his membership prematurely, any refund of subscriptions shall be entirely at the committee’s discretion.
3.6 In the case of joint membership (e.g. husband/wife), each of the two shall have separate voting rights within the society. Corporate members shall receive a single vote.
4. The Society Committee
4.1 The committee shall consist of the following voting members:
4.1.1 President
4.1.2 General Manager
4.1.3 Treasurer
4.1.4 Secretary
4.1.5 International co-ordinator
4.1.6 Member without Portfolio
4.1.7 European co-ordinator
4.2 All committee members must be members of the society.
4.3 No committee member shall hold more than one post during each year. Committee members shall be elected by and out of the Society’s members at the Annual General Meeting; they shall be eligible for re-election to the same post.
4.4 Office shall be held from 1st October to 30th September the following year.
4.5 Nominations for society officers must be sent to the secretary at least ten days in advance of the AGM. Each nomination shall require one proposer and one seconders who shall be full members of the society.
4.6 In the event that no person is voted in to a post or of resignation from a position, the remaining committee members may co-opt up a member to fill the vacant role until such time as the post is filled (at the next AGM). Elections to fill such a vacant post should take place at a general meeting and shall be subject to the same rules as per AGM.
4.7 The committee may meet either in person or via an internet connection (Skype, Facetime or similar).
5. Management and Job Descriptions
5.1 All the arrangements for the concerts and other events and the control of finance shall be in the hands of the Committee.
5.2 The Treasurer shall carry out the day to day financial duties of the society, and preparing and presenting a statement of accounts to the committee and AGM.
5.3 The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping the society records, including membership records, in good order as well as carrying out publicity and society communication duties.
5.4 The management of the society shall be vested in the society committee
5.5 Quorum of the committee shall be 60% of the voting committee.
6. The Annual General Meeting
6.1 The AGM shall be held each autumn, and shall have as its main business:
6.1.1 The presentation and acceptance of the committee members’ reports for the past year.
6.1.2 The election or re-election of the committee as appropriate.
6.2 An agenda giving notice of the AGM will be published online at least ten days in advance.
6.3 Only full members of the society may vote at General Meetings.
6.4 A member not present may appoint another member to vote by proxy on his behalf. This proxy should be registered in advance with the Secretary.
6.5 Decision shall be reached by a simple majority of the voting members present.
6.6 Further general meetings may be called by the a quorum of the committee or by members of the society; in the latter case a request must be submitted to the committee in writing.
7. Finance
7.1 The financial year shall end on 31st July
7.2 A banking account shall be opened in the name of the Society. Cheques may be signed by the treasurer only for amounts up to and including £200; the treasurer plus one other signatory shall sign for amounts over £200.
7.3 The income and property of the Society whencesoever derived shall be applied solely towards promoting the objects of the Society as set forth above and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred either directly or indirectly to any member or members of the Society except in payment of legitimate expenses incurred on behalf of the Society.
8. Equal Opportunities
8.1 No individual shall be excluded from membership of the Society or de-barred from any official capacity on the Committee on the grounds of sex, race, colour, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability or political affiliation.
9. The Constitution.
9.1 The Constitution may be altered only with the consent of two-thirds majority of the full members present at a general meeting.
9.2 The Constitution shall be binding on the society officers and members from the date of its approval.
This constitution has been approved 06/09/2018, and accepted as the constitution for Sibelius One
John Davis, President
Andrew Barnett, General Manager
Paul Greenwood, Secretary
Janet Abbotts, Treasurer
Leon Chia, International co-ordinator
Anjali Dhar Without portfolio
Rob Ebbers European co-ordinator